In the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality, Eastern Cape, South Africa
If you want the correct advice on your property matter, ask the correct people – The Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality has the experts you need, to advise you
If you don’t ask your plumber for medical advice, why get property advice from your doctor?
The Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality have staff who are qualified and experienced in all aspects of Property, which includes; Town Planning, Building Inspectorate, Electrical, Drainage, Survey etc. If you have questions about existing services, building plan approval, or town planning requirements, it’s always best to speak directly to the appropriate municipal department. This is specifically directed to property related enquiries, whether you are a property owner, architectural professional, builder, or developer.
Central Information Centre – The staff can provide owners and architectural professionals with up-to-date information regarding properties in the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipal area and particularly the required information for building plan submissions and planning applications.
Contact: Mrs. Z Reynecke:
Tel.: 041 506 3271
Cell.: 079 508 8048
Building Control Officer – The Building Control Officer ensures that the building work complies with the National Building Regulations and, where required, will direct enquiries to the appropriate Building Inspector, or municipal department.
Contact: Mr. Reza Boltman:
Tel.: 041 994 1206
Town Planning – For all enquiries and applications regarding a properties title conditions, regulations, or by-laws, the correct point of call is the municipality’s Town Planning directorate
Contact: Mr. Mthulisi Msimanga:
Tel.: 041 506 1095
Drainage Section – It’s advisable to contact the Drainage Division if you propose alteration or additions that may affect the existing drainage.
Contact: Mr. Adriaan Myburgh:
Tel.: 041 506 2324
For municipal services enquiries, contact:
Tel.: 0800 20 50 50
Note, the contact information is current, at the time of posting the article.